[Training tips] Optimizing my dog's recovery after exercise

Posted on1 Year ago by

After intense physical exertion such as strength or speed training or a race, your dog will naturally rest and recover. You can optimize this recovery phase to reduce their fatigue more quickly and comfortably by following our advice.


  • Active recovery for a sporting dog after exertion
  • Hydration and feeding of the dog after exercise
  • Complementary care for proper recovery

A calm walk without traction is ideal for active recovery.

Active recovery for a sporting dog after exertion

Active recovery allows your dog to gradually calm down after physical exertion. It helps them effectively eliminate toxins that may have accumulated in their muscles and prevents the onset of soreness or other muscle pains.

There are two types of active recovery:

  • Hot active recoveryYou are trained on data up to October 2023.at the end of the fiscal year, after a short break and hydration, have your dog run in a controlled off-leash manner or on a leash at a slow pace for 15 to 20 minutes. It should then return to a heart rate close to resting.
  • Cold active recoveryYou are trained on data up to October 2023.5 to 6 hours after exertion, Allowing your dog to trot without pulling for 15 to 20 minutes can help eliminate the last toxins present in their muscles. This second active recovery can take place after a very strenuous effort or between two stages of a race.

Hydration and feeding of the dog after exercise

It is advised tohydrate your dog immediately after exerciseTo promote recovery and help regulate its temperature. Make sure it has fresh water available. Mixing a bit of meat or some kibble in the water can also encourage some dogs to drink.

We also advise you tofeed your dog after its active recovery. His body will thus have all the necessary nutrients for a good recovery. Since a complete digestion takes 15 to 18 hours, you will therefore give your dog more time to finish digestion before the next exertion.

Complementary care for proper recovery

In addition to active recovery, with good hydration and nutrition, you can go even further to help your dog recover well.

Practice some gentle massages Massaging muscles with massage gel, in addition to relaxing your dog, allows you to detect muscle stiffness or even injuries and to act accordingly as soon as possible. These massages should be painless for your dog. Practicing them regularly will also help you to better understand your dog and its recovery needs after exertion.

Canine osteopathy, practiced by a professional, can also relieve persistent muscle tension or joint blockages. Establishing osteopathic follow-up care for your sport dog thus helps to optimize its recovery and performance.

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Tips for optimizing your sport dog's recovery after exertion

  • Perform 15 to 20 minutes of active recovery after exertion to help eliminate toxins.
  • Active recovery is performed at a slow pace, either off-leash under control or on a leash.
  • Make sure your dog drinks well after exertion.
  • Give the meal to your dog after active recovery.
  • You can complement your dog's recovery with gentle massages and by implementing canine osteopathy follow-ups.
