[Training Tips] How can I train my sports dog's strength?

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We saw in our article "How to Train Your Sports Dog?" that the three pillars of training your dog for harnessed canine sports are:

  • Fundamental endurance80% of the training is done at low speed, without traction. Learn more
  • The force15% of the training time is also done at low speed, but with traction in the harness. This is what we will develop in this article.
  • TheSpeed: 5% of training time is spent working with a harness at maximum speed. Learn more

Why and how to train your sport dog for strength? Here are our answers and training tips.


    • Why train the strength of your sport dog ?
    • How to train your dog's strength?
      • Reminders before starting your workouts.
      • How to do a strength training session with your dog ?
    • What equipment is needed to train my dog's strength?
      • The traction harness.
      • The lunge line or the draft line.

Why train the strength of your sport dog ?

Reminders before starting your training sessions

  • Unlike endurance work, which is performed at low speed and low intensity, strength work is very intense for the dog. Therefore, this type of session is only scheduled when the outside temperature is...below 12°C"for short training sessions and"below 6°CFor longer training sessions.
  • The work of the force should only represent15% of the total time of your training sessions. 80% of this time being dedicated to endurance and 5% to speed.
  • Let's also remember that, as with any physical exercise, your dog must havefinished its digestion, and therefore having had their last meal 15 to 18 hours before the effort.
  • Consider consultingYour veterinarianTo ensure your dog's health before starting training. Also seek advice if you notice anything unusual in your dog's reactions to exertion.

How to schedule a strength training session with your dog ?

To improve the pulling strength of his dog, dedicated sessions are carried out withhigh-torque low-speed seriesInterspersed with breaks. This high-intensity interval training technique is well-known in the world of athletic training.

In single-dog or two-dog teams, this type of training is mainly practiced inMountain biking or on a scooter. Winter, work on strength incross-country skiing"or in"sleighIs often more suitable when there is snow. For teams of 3 dogs or more,MapAndQuadWill be preferred on land,sleighOn snow.

To work on strength in dog sledding, we usually use a quad with the engine turned off and match the pace of the slowest dog. This way, all the dogs in the team are pulling in their harnesses and effectively working on their strength. Rémy Coste World Champion mid-distance

Control the speed wellOf your dog so that it is well in traction, constantly positioned in its harness. You can do this depending on your dog's abilities:

  • Do not pedal or kick on your scooter when your dog is pulling.
  • Perform your series in an upward progression.
  • In harness, mushers use a cart sometimes weighted or a quad with the engine off.
  • Brake as soon as your dog or the slowest dog in your team is no longer settled in its harness.
  • For most racing dogs like ESD/Braque/Greyster, the ideal speed is around 22-23 km/h. For less specialized breeds, a speed of about 12 to 15 km/h is generally well-suited.
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The most important thing during a strength session is that the dog pushes firmly and continuously into its harness. Matthias Borcier, Head of R&D at Inlandsis

Make series ofVery short tractionsFor working on maximum strength, it is useful, for example, for starts or very steep climbs. Perform somelonger pull-upsTo work over time: this is the famous specific endurance (here strength endurance) mentioned in ourArticle on Endurance.

Stop the exercise in all cases when the dog is no longer settled in its harness and...adapt your rest timesBetween each pull and sets to the fatigue of your dog. Teach your dog tostay calm during downtimeSo that it is truly restful (and he does not waste energy by throwing himself into the harness, for example).

In order to preserve theMotivation of your dog, predict somerelatively short sessions, without a specific goal for duration or distance. Consider varying the duration of the pulls and the number of pulls in each set to make the exercise less monotonous. Take breaks, swims, or play games as soon as your dog shows signs of boredom or is no longer able to perform the pulls correctly. And if you need to end the session with a leisurely walk for everyone, that's not a problem !

Example of a strength session with your dog or team:

  • Meal 15 to 18 hours before the session. Hydration about 2 hours before the session.
  • 15-20 minutes of warm-up without pulling at low speed (10-12 km/h)
  • Series of more or less lengthy pull-ups interspersed with breaks.
  • Stop the series as soon as fatigue or weariness appears.
  • End of a fun session with a walk, swimming, games, etc.
  • Active recovery, at low speed, without traction.
  • Meals and hydration immediately after calming down to promote recovery.

What equipment to train my dog's strength ?

The pulling harness

Only work on pulling with a properly sized pulling harness for your dog. You will find all the necessary information to choose the right harness for your dog inthis article.

The lunge line or the driving line

If you train a dog in bikejoring, For canicross, scooter, or skijoring, use a leash with a shock absorber that is at least 2.5 meters long when extended. Consider using a quick-release for your safety in skijoring.

To train 2 dogs, use a double leash with a 2.5 m long shock absorber.

Starting with 3 dogs, use a towline with a shock absorber.

To remember, for working on your sport dog's strength:

  • Force represents only 15% of the total training time.
  • The purpose of the work of the force is toimprove traction of the dog.
  • Strength is developed with a harness, at maximum traction at low speed.
  • Make some Pull-up sets interspersed with pauses.
  • Your dog or the entire team of dogs must be placed in their harness during pulling activities.
  • Stop or end the exercise as soon as the dog is no longer focused or motivated.
